Hey all. I made this page so I could make a better one based on this one for my dad later, and so people who have never seen my house (Taryn, Jay, Chuck) can see it, because although they had better come see it if they know what is good for them, I bet they won't. I had an ulterior motive, though, and that was some weird email redirectional stuff. I made it so that you can pick how long you feel like waiting for stuff to download, depending on your connection speed as well as how nice you want the pics to be.

As you can see, this is sort of a "functionally-oriented" page. Not a lot of fancy graphics. No Java. too bad

Click here for crappy graphics (fastest)

Click here for somewhat-less crappy images (somewhat faster)   <------Use this one if you are running in 640x480 mode

Click here to wait a bit (nicest looking)
Here is a self portrait of Nick. He insisted I put it for legal reasons. To see some of my "interpretations" on his work, or to see a website that doesn't suck, go to http://www.wpi.edu/~nkociuk I am in the featured Artists link.